
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2017

How to install WSUS on Server 2012 Step by Step

Here’s my step by step account of installing WSUS on a member server in your domain. I understand that it can be a bit buggy sometimes installing this Role on a server due to account restrictions during the role creation especially when creating the database. This method is my simple way of creating the WSUS database on a remote SQL server usually a highly available SQL cluster used for management of infrastructure separate from the Production / Application databases.

Linux - How do I configure my static DNS in interfaces?

You need to configure the /etc/network/interfaces file if you want to change your DNS server via the command line. It should look something like this: # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address 192.168.X.X netmask gateway 192.168.X.X dns-nameservers X.X.X.X If you have more than one DNS server, just add a space between each: dns-nameservers X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y Z.Z.Z.Z Just replace the Xs, Ys, and Zs with your own IPs of the DNS servers of choice, and when this is done, run this command to update the settings: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 Hope this helps!

Ubuntu - configurazione della rete

Ubuntu è corredato da una serie d'utilità grafiche per la configurazione dei dispositivi di rete. Questo documento è diretto agli amministratori di server e si focalizza sulla gestione della rete da riga di comando.

Linux command line - Change keyboard layout from English UK to English US

This seems to have changed in recent Ubuntu versions and running  sudo apt-get install console-common  will try to remove other packages. So, for recent Ubuntu versions, use this instead: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration The simplest way would indeed be as @steeldriver  suggested  to open a terminal and run this command: sudo apt-get install console-common That will install the  console-common  package and in the process allow you to chose your console layout. If that is already installed, use this to bring up the same wizard and set the layout: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data

Linux - How to permanently configure keyboard

Using the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration will change your keyboard layout just for this session.  Go for sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard there you can change your keyboard settings.  Find the line:  XKBLAYOUT="xx"   You can change layout and kboptions as well as your model and the kbvariant.  Just put in it for Italian Keyboard File on older ubuntu versions you could go for dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and make permanently changes here.